Project News
Open House #1: 30% Concept
The City of Airway Heights is considering changes to Highway 2 between Lundstrom Street and Lawson Street, and their first community engagement event regarding the project was a resounding success. Community input was gathered on the slate of proposed changes, which include the installation of new turn signals and traffic lights; the addition of on-street parking, roundabouts, and safety features to slow the flow of traffic; and the addition of a multi-use pathway for cyclists pedestrians, and public transit users. The overall goal is to develop this stretch of U.S. 2 into the downtown district Airway Heights lacks, where travelers, residents, and airmen from nearby Fairchild AFB can access local business more easily and safely.
The Spokesman-Review and KXLY News covered the meeting and the topics discussed at the workshop. Click here to read Spokesman article, published on February 5th; click here to read the KXLY News article, published February 6th.