Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the City doing this?

Improving the appearance, safety, and function of US 2 has been a community priority for years. The City’s comprehensive plan in 2002 identified the US 2 corridor’s redesign as a priority project, and the City, WSDOT, Fairchild Air Force Base, and others have been working since to imagine, study, and test options for the corridor. The priority is also voiced in the City’s new comprehensive plan, as well. Some of the most recent work toward redefining the corridor is available on this website, illustrating the various motivations for and approaches to the corridor’s redesign.

Where is funding coming from?

The federal government is beginning a program to “reconnect” communities which have been divided by high-speed transportation corridor construction. US 2 is a major transportation corridor, and its design has been driven by a need to serve regional freight and automobile mobility. While this has helped fuel the community’s growth, it has also come at the expense of the quality of the community and pedestrian experience of Airway Heights’ central business district. This is common across the country, where transportation improvements favoring speed have disrupted and divided communities.

When will construction begin?

At this time, the start date for construction is unknown.

How will this impact traffic?

Designs for the portion of the corridor between Lundstrom and Lawson will likely slow traffic for this US 2 segment. Improvements to Lundstrom and Lawson intersections, however, will likely increase the efficiency of the corridor’s flow. It is important to consider this balance, retaining access for FAFB and satisfying WSDOT’s highway corridor mobility needs.

How will this impact access to the STA bus?

By slowing auto speed in this corridor and providing enhanced pedestrian crossings, this project will improve access to the STA bus lines. The City is also coordinating with STA to ensure the bus stop locations and design ensure rider safety and encourage increased ridership.

How do I get involved?

Community members can get involved by attending the open houses and pop-ups during the process, visiting this website for updates, and reaching out to the City’s project contact for information. Community conversation is an important part of this effort, ensuring the final designs address local needs.

For detailed responses to other frequently asked questions, please click here or on the button below to view our Airway Heights US 2 FAQ Sheet. Paper copies may be obtained at any of our in-person engagement events.

Other questions, comments, or concerns?
Get in touch.