Outreach Opportunities
Airway Heights community members will have frequent opportunities to review and comment on the corridor design. The City will host two open houses and two “pop-up” events, each intended to report on the design process and solicit suggestions for the design team’s consideration.
US 2 Design Feedback Form
Have questions, comments, or concerns about the way public engagement has proceeded thus far, or about the design concepts presented at the open house events? Please use the form below to share your thoughts with our community outreach team.
Open House Events
Open House #1 - Phase #1, 30% Concept Design
This open house – held in early February 2023 – focused on the corridor’s conceptual design. Visitors saw how the concept evolved from the schematic designs advanced in the US 2 Corridor Plan and Downtown Strategic Plan. This level of design addresses alignment, allocation of the right of way for automotive and pedestrian use, and intersection design, tackling important details on how to make the concepts fit within the allowable space.
For more information about this design workshop and the 30% concepts presented at it, please visit the Phase #1: Lawson to Lundstrom tab by clicking here or on the button below.
Open House #2 - Phase #2, 30% Concept Design
The second open house, in late March 2024, will focus on a preferred design concept, displaying what is considered a 60% level of design. This will include revisions to the 30% design presented in February, with additional detail examining landscaping, street furniture, and any other special treatments planned for the corridor.
For more information about this design workshop and the 30% concepts presented at it, please visit the Phase #2: Craig to Garfield tab by clicking here or on the button below.
The two pop-up events are happening soon! Visitors will be invited to comment on the project and to offer tips on how the City can approach its design of the remaining project phases of the US 2 corridor.
Pop-Up #1: Airway Heights Summer Movie Night
Date: Friday, June 14th, 2024
Time: 8PM
Location: Sunset Park, 924 S. Lawson St. Airway Heights, WA 99001
We will be hosting a pop-up table in the park prior to the movie night!
Pop-Up #2: Skyfest ‘24
Date: Saturday, June 22nd & Sunday, June 23rd, 2024
Time: 9AM - 4PM
Location: Fairchild Air Force Base, Airway Heights, WA 99011
We will be hosting a pop-up table at the festival to provide information about the project.

Envision US 2: Kids’ Coloring Contest
Deadline extended through November 1st!
To help inform awareness and share a visualization as we “Envision US 2”, the City of Airway Heights is sponsoring a kid’s coloring competition for ages 3-15. There are four age groups (3-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-15). Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each age group, in addition to their artwork receiving recognition in the local newspaper and on the City of Airway Heights’ social media pages. The winning artwork will also be on display at the Airway Heights Recreation Center through the summer of 2024.
Your child still has time to participate!
The coloring contest has been extended through November 1st.
To access the coloring sheet and accompanying instructions, please click on the button below that corresponds to your preferred language. Please note: the competition deadline has been changed to November 1st.